Starting at Sheffield Hallam

Module 1: University and you

Being successful
at university

What sort of success do you most admire?
Who are your role models for 'successful' students?

What does success at university or college mean to you?

Is it about getting top marks?

Is it about the connections you make with other students and teachers?

Are you aiming for the career you might have after you graduate?

Or is success for you about something different?

Watch the following video and find out what some students had to say about success.

Putting in the effort

The changes and developments that come with going to university or college are exciting, but they don't come without putting in some effort. While some of the changes happen to you, there is also work involved to make sure you embrace the opportunities available.

In the following activity, think about what success at university or college means to you. Read through the list and rank the items listed from most to least important to you, by dragging them into order. Click the 'Feedback' button underneath the activity to learn more about achieving success.

Students say

It was only in my second and third year I began to realise, actually, that you get out what you put in. It comes down to finding what you want to do and using all of the available resources to help you.

Third-year law student


The path to success for mature students may be slightly different from that of younger students. In the video below, mature students and staff discuss their experiences in this area.

Click 'Play' to watch the video.

Getting the highest marks

Learning new things – becoming an expert!

Growing as a person in unexpected ways

Getting my dream job when I graduate

Becoming part of a thriving community

Making friends and having fun

Being able to go on to do a Masters or PhD

Having the skills to make a positive difference in the world


Sheffield Hallam

Check out some of the things that graduates from Sheffield Hallam have got up to.
Undergraduate student stories
Inspirational Alumni

With any luck this activity has got you thinking. You can reflect further on what success looks like to you by completing the short 'Portfolio activity' on the right.

Have goals... but stay flexible!

Having clear goals will motivate you and help you settle into your new life. But being successful means sometimes revisiting your goals and expectations. It's okay to change your mind – even in the first few weeks.

Successful students recognise, accept and adapt to the new situations that student life brings. Enjoy!

Portfolio activity

Duration: 10 minutes

What will going to university or college allow you to do in your future career and life?

Thinking about what you want to get from your experience can be motivating, especially when things seem tough.

You may wish to download and use the attached template to record your thoughts.
